I'm sitting here this morning staring out my office window at the rain that is pouring down. I mean it is really coming down! Much like it was last night when we were tearing down after our annual See You After the Pole event. We had a great night! Some things happened that we didn't see coming and some things went just as planned. God moved in the hearts of the students and it was an awesome time of worship.
I'm Josh and I serve as a student pastor in a small town in rural west TN. I won't tell you the name of the town for one reason: I don't want hundreds of fans knocking on my door each day after they've read this blog! Just kidding. Seriously though, I really don't want people knocking on my door after the curriculum I suggested didn't go over well with their students or the band I recommended didn't show up on time. (Because we all know up and coming worship bands love to be "fashionably" late...) But, for those of you who love fried food, you just might see me hanging out with students at the World's Biggest Fish Fry.....
A great friend (I'll let him introduce himself later) and I decided to start this blog in order to encourage and help other student pastors who serve in a similar context as us. My goal (once again, I'll let him explain his later) is to hopefully help student pastors in small towns understand that they can still have BIG ministries. Hints the name of the blog. Because God is the same God everywhere right? I mean we say that all the time but we complain that we don't see the same growth as larger churches in more populated areas. If we truly believe that God is the same everywhere then we must also believe He can move in our small town ministries as much as He can move anywhere else.
Through this blog I hope to be able to share things that have helped our ministries as well as things that didn't help so much. We'll be doing things like reviewing curriculum and debriefing events that we did on shoestring budgets. We'll be sharing the joys and frustrations of working in the local church as a student minister. And anything else you would like us to do! All in all I'm hoping we will have the opportunity to network, share ideas, pray for, and encourage all of you other Small Town student ministers who desire a Big Ministry!
If any worship bands read this, I'm a worship leader too. And it is kind of cool to be late sometimes! Ha!
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