
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lost Friends

Those of you that know me know that I often get frustrated with Christian pop culture. A great example of this is my news feed on Facebook. It seems like a single hour cannot go by without at least one picture popping up that tells me I'm not a "real Christian" if I don't repost. My Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feeds are filled with photos like this day in and day out. I normally just ignore them and continue wasting my time on social media. I know that my faithfulness to Jesus is not measured by how many inspirational photos I share. God, in His grace and love, has made me righteous in Christ through His work on the cross and for that I will always be thankful.

But this morning was a little different. This morning one of those photos came across my screen that stopped me mid-scroll. It was a snapshot of 5 simple words but it was convicting and powerful as I read it to myself. This is what is said: Pray For Your Lost Friends.

Wow. As I read this statement over and over again I was reminded of how powerful pryer actually is. I thought back to times in my life and in the lives of others when God has worked mightily through the prayers of His people. The book of James says very clearly that the prayers of righteous people are powerful and effective.(James 5:15) When I looked at my computer screen this morning, it was as if God was reminding me of how important it is to be in prayer for those who do not know Him. This photo was one I was willing to share, it was something I could get on board with. 

If you are like me, prayer can become routine and stale. I hope this isn't the case for you. I hope that your prayer life is always healthy and leaves you with the desire to spend every possible moment with the Lord. Today I am going to take the words of the apostle Paul from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 to heart: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing. I am going to make prayer for my lost friends a priority. And yes, I want you to do the same as well. I am convinced that when we begin to pray, God will continue to move and will do incredible things in the world around us!

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